Flower Mixes Flower Mixes

Flower Mixes

Eine malerische und pflegeleichte Blumenpracht, die auch unsere heimischen Insekten glücklich macht.

Flower Mixes

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7,95 € *
(7,95 € per 100 g)
Best sellers
7,95 € *
(7,95 € per 100 g)
Best sellers
7,95 € *
(7,95 € per 100 g)
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6,95 € *
(6,95 € per 100 g)
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7,95 € *
(7,95 € per 100 g)
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3,95 € *
(39,50 € per 100 g)
Best sellers
3,95 € *
(39,50 € per 100 g)
Best sellers
3,95 € *
Best sellers
3,95 € *
(39,50 € per 100 g)
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3,95 € *
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3,95 € *
Best sellers
3,95 € *
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3,95 € *
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6,95 € *
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5,95 € *
(3,72 € per 1 m)
Best sellers
5,95 € *
(3,72 € per 1 m)

Questions and answers about our flower mixtures

If you spread the seeds of Butterfly Garden, Bee Meadow, Wildflower Meadow and Co. on an existing lawn, there is unfortunately little chance that the flowers will actually germinate and grow.

Plants always need adequate space and nutrients to develop well. Grasses tend to grow a lot more dominantly than flowers, which is also one of the reasons why there are no grasses in our seed mixtures.

Therefore, on already existing lawns with densely distributed roots, flowers have very little chance to grow. We rather recommend sowing on unplanted garden or flower soil: For example, on a loosened strip of soil in the garden (this is perfect for a really colorful, insect-friendly flowering strip), directly in the flower bed or in a large flower pot. Also, please keep in mind that each mix consists of flower varieties that grow to an average height of 40cm (16in).

The result is more the growth of a wild meadow than of a "neat" flower lawn.

In fact, you can also sow our bee meadow, butterfly meeting and Co. on the balcony or terrace in a large pot, balcony box or tub. Please keep in mind that the seeds are actually designed to be sown outdoors and may not grow as successfully as they would in a garden.

It's well worth the trial and error, however, and we've had success with it many, many times! Note that your flowers grow best in a sunny location. The seeds are very productive and should be spread out in wide cubes so that the individual plants have enough room to develop. 

Don't be surprised if only bushy green grows for the first few weeks. This is completely natural, because it takes a while until the first flowers appear. 

Our flower seed mixtures consist of flowers for the garden, which are not intended to feed animals (except for insects of course). They are typical ornamental plants, without grass seeds.

However, there is little chance of digestive problems - the animals would have to eat a very large amount of seeds or flowers to experience a negative effect. Furthermore, of the time animals instinctively know which plants they can and cannot eat.

There are several ways to handle this. For example, your flowers can be left standing and simply removed the next spring!

This is our favorite method, as it also allows our native insects to nestle in the stalks and find precious shelter during winter. Furthermore, birds can find valuable and nutritious seeds to snack on in some of faded flowers, for example in sunflowers.

However, if the faded flower meadow in your garden looks a little too wild or chaotic, it can of course be mowed or cut in autumn.

We have put together flower varieties that develop differently and bloom in different periods.

This way, you will be able to admire a constantly changing flower pattern over several months. In a sunny location and with an ideal sowing time between April and June, it is quite possible that your flower meadow will bloom until the first frost.

Just make sure that it is watered regularly on hot days. So, under optimal conditions, it will last you a very long time. 

With good storage conditions (dry, at room temperature) our flower seed mixtures have no specific expiration date. However, the germination rate decreases over time.

You could still try sowing the flowers later than the two or four years we recommend, depending on the variety. Just keep in mind that it is just likely that fewer plants will sprout.

We only use seeds that are heirloom varieties. Other manufacturers often offer F1 hybrid varieties, which usually lose their germination capacity faster. All our seeds are free from pesticides and GMO-free.

The perfect time to sow our Butterfly Garden, Bee Meadow, Wildflower Meadow and Co is from April to June. From mid-July onwards, things start to get a little late, as the plants are unlikely to have enough time to grow and form flowers before the colder months begin.

However, if it turns out to be a long summer or mild autumn, it may well still work out! Just keep in mind that we can't promise anything here, but it is always worthwhile to give it another try.

The flower seeds contained in our packets are sufficient for a large area and, if stored well (room temperature, dry), can still be used in the following year. So if you don't expect 100% success, you can still give it a try after June!

Blumensamen-Mischungen für prächtige Blumenwiesen

Blumensamen für bunte und malerische Blütenmeere! Es summt und brummt in Ihrem Garten. Unermüdlich fliegen die fleißigen Bienen, Hummeln und Insekten von einer bunten Blüte zur nächsten. Ein zarter Duft von frischen Gräsern, Kräutern und Blumen weht zu dir hinüber, während du auf der Terrasse oder dem Balkon die Sommersonne genießt. Zauber dir mit unseren Blumenmischungen ein buntes Paradies in den Garten oder in den Balkonkasten, nicht nur für Insekten. Erhalte die heimische Artenvielfalt und genieße prachtvolle Blumenbeete und -kästen mit unseren hochwertigen Blumensamen-Mischungen!

Insektenfreundliche Blumensamen-Mischungen für überall!

Wir lieben die Natur! Gemeinsam können wir die Artenvielfalt erhalten und Bienen, Hummeln, Schmetterlinge und andere nützliche Insekten schützen. Indem wir Ihnen Rückzugsbereiche und reich gedeckte Tische in unseren Gärten, Hinterhöfen, Balkonkästen oder sogar in den Baumbeeten an unseren städtischen Straßen anbieten. Unsere sorgfältig ausgewählten Blumensamen-Mischungen schaffen reichhaltige und bunt blühende Nahrung für die kleinen, wichtigen Helfer, ohne die wir kein Obst und Gemüse essen könnten.

Die Vorteile unsere Blumensamen-Mischungen sind:

  • mit Imkern entwickelt & getestet
  • Lange Blütezeit mit sich stetig verändertem Blütenbild
  • zertifiziertes Premium Saatgut
  • schöne & duftende Blüten
  • auch für große Kübel geeignet

Bunte & wunderschöne Blumensamen kaufen bei OwnGrown

Unsere Blumensamen-Mischungen enthalten einen vielfältigen Mix aus verschiedenen heimischen Blumensorten, die für wunderschöne Blumenmeere sorgen. Streue die Blumensamen-Mischungen auf den Boden und arbeite die Samen leicht in die Erde ein. Jetzt noch andrücken, gießen und abwarten. Die Mischungen gedeihen an sonnigen bis halbschattigen Standorten. Es dauert einige Wochen, bis die Blüten in ihrer vollen Pracht stehen. Der Anblick der Blumenwiesen ändert sich auch im Laufe der Jahreszeiten. Bestelle dir unsere Blumensamen-Mischungen und trage zum Schutz unserer Natur bei!